Energetic Healing Services

What is Energy Healing

Energy Healing refers to a variety of holistic techniques that use the natural mind-body connection to promote emotional and physical well-being. A Practitioner will channel healing energy through their hands or other mediums to restore energy balance in the body, aiming to bring about health benefits. The practice is rooted in the idea that everything, including our bodies, consists of energy, and by addressing blockages and imbalances, energy healing aims to restore harmony and vitality.

Blue Ray Healing

  Based in the healings of the Madeline lineage of the blue rose and the use of quantum healing techniques, light language and crystals. Promoting stress reduction, chakra alignment and relaxtaion.

Ma-Ra-Dah Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing while incorporating light codes and crystals.

Sacred Divine Meditation

With the use of faith. love, and the mother divine spirit, a unique laying of hands healing method was birthed to create healing within the body, peace within the mind and connection within the soul. Enjoy a space of pure tranquility.

Our Services

  • Goddess Rising Intensive

    The Goddess Rising Healing represents power, protection, self- love, courage, and strength. Removes blocks and feminine persecution templates for the indiviual and family lineage. You will work with the Angels and your soul group and the Divine love ray energies to help you transform your life and heal your body

  • Inner Child Healing Intensive

    As a soul there are many levels of healing. Some through past lives, others through trauma caused by abuse, abandonment and rejection as a child in this lifetime. When childhood trauma isn’t addressed, it can resurface in new ways throughout adulthood. We will assist the inner child to come out and heal in a safe and loving space, addressing blockages that may have surfaced in the body as physical ailments or in prominent areas of your life. This Is 4 hour intensive service working with the divine mother and her many aspects helping you to repair and heal soul trauma from past lives, or childhood wounds while re-aligning your soul to heal any blocks holding you back and then access new templates, timelines and spiritual gifts.

  • Etheric Removal

    Etheric implants are energetic forces that negatively influence us by suppressing our frequency and hindering our success in different aspects of life. These implants, designed to control our behaviors and siphon our energy, are utilized by certain beings and entities that seek to tap into our energy fields. This healing modality will identify and remove etheric implants, entities or attachments that may be within the 4 subtle bodies, chakras and auric field.